| 1. | In the of - line marketing world it is all about trying to get the attention of the potential consumer to a commercial message 在对网上销售的世界是怎么一回事拉拢潜在消费者的注意了商业信息 |
| 2. | A child hooked on tv is a viewer open to commercial messages , and there are plenty of those targeting children of all ages 被电视拴住的孩子对商业广告毫无限制地接受,而商业广告中有很多针对所有年龄段的孩子。 |
| 3. | Adproofing isn ' t about creating a barrier to prevent commercial messages or popular culture from reaching our kids , because that ' s not possible 远离广告危害不是要把孩子完全阻隔在商业信息或流行文化之外的真空地带,而且这也不现实。 |
| 4. | Developers of message - oriented applications have a choice they must make early on in the development process - pick a commercial messaging product , or roll their own cheaper , lighter - weight solution 面向消息的应用程序的开发人员在开发过程的初期就必须做出选择- -选择一个商业消息产品,或者构建自己的更便宜的、更轻量级的解决方案。 |
| 5. | Advertising studies in martin lindstrom ' s book brand sense suggest that although most contemporary commercial messages are aimed at our eyes , many of the emotion - triggering moments people remember on a given day are actually prompted by smell 马汀汀林斯壮在《收买感官,信仰品牌》里对广告效应的研究提出,尽管当今不少的商品诱惑以视觉为主,但是人们对某天的感情触动一刻则常常由嗅觉引起。 |
| 6. | Other media agencies suggest that advertisers will start to put an even higher premium on the first and last spots on the ad break , and that sponsorship of programmes will become more popular , as this gets the commercial message closest to the content 另一些媒体公司认为,广告客户会开始为广告段的正一和倒一位置加收更多的广告费率,并且,由于节目赞助使广告信息最贴近节目内容,所以也会变得更受欢迎。 |